I realize it has been a while since I have posted on here. Life has surely been busy, but I am learning about boundaries in my life. A lot has gone on over the past month, and I feel very overwhelmed. It is crazy it is already February, 1/12 of 2010 is over!!! Can you believe it? Here are some of the things that have gone on over the past month.
#1. Allie got married. Enjoyable wedding, exciting times, great friends...all at the same time. All of our JBU friends got together and celebrating another "marrying off." It was a wonderful time.
#2. My grandfather is dying. It has been a very emotional roller coaster and I get updates daily. I am actually in Florida right now, enjoying time with family. This morning he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Carissa, don't forget that God loves you! He cares about you and wants the best for you. Live every day remembering that." I started tearing up and just nodded, and I realized how devoutly he has exemplified that over the years.
#3. I have added a significant other in my life:) Nic has been a great blessing over the past weeks, and we figure out life together while dating long distance (which might I add...is not fun). He has been a wonderful listening ear and such a strong support system as I process all that is going on with my thoughts and emotions.
#4. I have set some big boundaries this year. I have been leaving work by 5pm every night, getting to the gym, and still having time for myself in the evenings. It is wonderful.
#5. I have a new Bible study with my roommates. We are doing a new Beth moore study and it is amazing, truly challenging me in many ways. It's called "God's Dwelling Place." As of now, a week in....highly recommend it.
#6. I have a new mentor, Sarah Tafoya, who is an amazing Christian woman who I've started meeting with bi-weekly. What a blessing to have an amazing woman of God investing in me. I've desperately needed this1
#7. Work is good, school is good, my kids are learning and my co and I are getting along great. What a big blessing!
For those of you who actually check in, you will be surprised at this entry, but I am going to try and update more often. We'll see what happens. Thanks for all your love and prayers!