Wednesday, November 5, 2008

grace....patience....and a lot of energy!

Whoa, I cannot believe we are already in November. The weather is turning chilly in Colorado, and I just don't like it. I get to school when it's dark and I leave when it's me gusta por nada! 

I have to admit, school is blatantly just kicking my keister. I cannot seem to get ahead. I keep telling myself that it will get better. I think I entered this year feeling very confident and excited, even though I was going to be in a brand new grade level. At this point, I sometimes want to quit. I feel like a first year teacher all over again. The things I did last year, don't work this year. The lessons I spent hours on last year, don't work this year. It's all new content, it's a whole new level of independence, and there are days like today when I feel like I suck as a teacher. I would like to ask you to pray for creativity, for passion, and for energy over the next 3 weeks. I realized today that in exactly 20 days, I will be sitting in the presence of my amazing family enjoying the thanksgiving holidays...I need grace and patience to reign in me over the next 20 days. Please pray with me...


Unknown said...

keep your head up with teaching! i think this is the time of year when everyone is ready for a break. you are awesome, and i'm sure the kids love you tons!!

Gow_spot said...

we will be prayin riss.
hang in there!
and may God surprise you with HIS JOY, ENERGY and CREATIVITY!

it was soooo great to see you!
miss you.

Suz said...

You can do it!! I will be asking the Father for extra "umph" these next three weeks- and for Him to give you special love for your students!!